Ionel NARIȚA : Valori etice / 1
Sorina VICTORIA: Poezie și pandemie. Textualizarea realității în poemul autoficțional / 10
Hsiu Ling ROBERTSON: Literary Review of Into the Desert / 18
Maria-Miruna CIOCOI-POP VECSEI: Absurdity – A Postmodern Indicator in Tom Stoppard's Rozencrants and Guildenstern Are Dead / 24
Kristoff RADU: Embracing Suffering: Unraveling 19th-Century Philosophical Perspectives Amidst Historical and Cultural Changes / 33
Oana A. STAN: From Cult to Culture. The Orsanmichele Madonna Between Art and Devotion / 44
Vasile GRIGORE: Conceptual clarifications on some terms related to the modernization of the villages of Wallachia in 1831-1858: systematization, regularization, alignment / 54
Valori etice
Title: "Ethical Values"
Abstract: The ethical propositions of the form e = "The fact p is good" have not a determined truth value. Like any other proposition, the truth value of the proposition e is determined only relatively to a context, arriving to "The fact p is good relatively to the context x". Establishing the truth value for the ethical proposition e means to assert an ethical value to the fact p. This task can be accomplished either giving a value to the variable x or by its quantification. In the first case, the contextual ethical values are defined, while, in the second situation, the modal ethical values are achieved.
Keywords: Ethics; contextual ethical values; modal ethical values; ethical propositions; modal.
Eon, 5 (1), 2024, 1-9
Chicago Style:
Narița, Ionel. "Valori etice." Eon 5, no. 1 (March 31, 2024): 1-9.
APA7 Style:
Narița, I. (2024). Valori etice . Eon, 5(1), 1-9.
Poezie și pandemie. Textualizarea realității în poemul autoficțional
Title: "Poetry and pandemic. Textualization of reality in the autofictional poem"
Abstract: The thesis of this paper is connected to those poems that activate a semantic renewal of a different kind of "real" and explore the poetic imaginary of the coronavirus, focusing on how Rodica Braga translates the fear, chaos, shock and bewilderment caused by the pandemic into her poetry. In a close reading analysis we will investigate how the pandemic, with all its effects, has reconstructed reality through a "new normality", identifying, also, the paradigm shifts that this concept has encountered. We will also focus on how the confinement led to a different kind of reflection of reality and life in writing. Also, in the subsequent interpretative exercise, we will analyze the presence of the author, at a figurative level, in the semantics of auto fictional lyrical discourse and observe with the help of relevant examples from Rodica Braga's poems how a broad interpretation of this concept can be useful for understanding the acting roles and avatars adopted by the "I" in the author's works.
Keywords: poetry; pandemic; Covid-19 poems; life writing; paradigm-shifting themes.
Eon, 5 (1), 2024, 10-17
Chicago Style:
Victoria, Sorina. "Poezie și pandemie. Textualizarea realității în poemul autoficțional." Eon 5, no. 1 (March 31, 2024): 10-17.
APA7 Style:
Victoria, S. (2023). Poezie și pandemie. Textualizarea realității în poemul autoficțional. Eon, 1(1), 10-17.
Literary Review of Into the Desert
Abstract: The changing culture of the Desert in Western China is described in detail in Xuemo's works. One of his novels, Into the Desert, focuses on two female characters, Ying'er and Lanlan, who are bartered into marriage because their families are poor. They come to believe that their hardships in life are due to their poverty and can be alleviated by running away to Salt Lake, a place in the northwestern region, will improve their lives. During this trip, they encounter, overcome and survive many perils. When they reach their destination and struggle to reach their goals, they come to realize that they are still ordinary mortal women who can be abused without mercy by others. They finally admit that against their wills, they and many other women are powerless and must submit to their predestinated fates. The broader implication of this story is that women live at the mercy of men as the ultimate victims. Intothe Desert, describes this suffering and, in so doing, stresses that it needs to be alleviated, especially among the rural women now being trampled on repeatedly, by reforming the way of life is passed down from generation to generation.
Xuemo; Gobi Desert; Chinese Civilization; Romanticism; Chinese Desert Literature.
Eon, 5 (1), 2024, 18-23
Chicago Style:
Robertson, Hsiu, Ling. "Literary Review of Into the Desert." Eon 5, no. 1 (March 31, 2024): 18-23. https://doi.org/10.56177/eon.5.1.2024.art.3
APA7 Style:
Robertson, H. L. (2023). Literary Review of Into the Desert. . Eon, 5(1), 18-23. https://doi.org/10.56177/eon.5.1.2024.art.3
Absurdity – A Postmodern Indicator in Tom Stoppard's Rozencrants and Guildenstern Are Dead
Abstract: Tom
Stoppard's play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, arguably his best-known
play, is as complex in dramatic structures as it is simple in language form.
The article pinpoints and analyzes the postmodern literary and dramatic
techniques employed by the author, as well as the postmodern features of the
play, especially the absurd and the senseless, based on Albert Camus and
Jean-Francois Lyotard's theories.
Keywords: postmodern; senselessness; absurdity; theory; dramatic
technique; dramatic language.
Eon 5 (1) 2024, 24-32
Chicago Style:
Ciocoi-Pop Vecsei, Maria-Miruna. "Absurdity – A Postmodern Indicator in Tom Stoppard's Rozencrants and Guildenstern Are Dead.” Eon 5, no. 1 (March 31, 2024): 24-32. https://doi.org/10.56177/eon.5.1.2024.art.4
APA7 Style:
Ciocoi-Pop Vecsei, M.-M.. (2024). Absurdity – A Postmodern Indicator in Tom Stoppard's Rozencrants and Guildenstern Are Dead. Eon, 5(1), 24-32. https://doi.org/10.56177/eon.5.1.2024.art.4
Embracing Suffering: Unraveling 19th-Century Philosophical Perspectives Amidst Historical and Cultural Changes
Abstract: This article explores the intersection of 19th-century philosophy with historical events, spotlighting Nietzsche, Bentham, Kierkegaard, and Schopenhauer and their distinct perspectives on suffering as a positive element, reflective of the era's cultural and historical nuances. The first part of the paper is a summary of the 19th century and its noteworthy events. The second part argues that suffering is a constant element of human existence by highlighting conceptual similarities between all four philosophers when they describe the challenges that humans must face. The third part of the paper analyzes the relationship between suffering and self-knowledge. The fourth and last part of the paper explores the mechanism of suffering as an epiphenomenon.
Keywords: suffering; history; anxiety;
epiphenomenon; religion; will.
Kristoff RADU
Eon 5 (1) 2024, 33-43
Chicago Style:
Radu, Kristoff. "Embracing Suffering: Unraveling 19th-Century Philosophical Perspectives Amidst Historical and Cultural Changes." Eon 5, no. 1 (March 31, 2024): 33-43.
APA7 Style:
Radu, K. (2024). Embracing Suffering: Unraveling 19th-Century Philosophical Perspectives Amidst Historical and Cultural Changes. Eon, 5(1), 33-43.
From Cult to Culture. The Orsanmichele Madonna Between Art and Devotion
Abstract: This paper constitutes an encompassing account of the Madonna of Orsanmichele in all its historical instances. As source of the first miracle ever recorded in the city-state of Florence, in 1292, the Orsanmichele Madonna generated a cult that lasted centuries. Considering the extravagant artistic commissions on the site of the granary-turned-church, Orsanmichele became a place of religious worship, and, more importantly, grown into being equated with the political and spiritual identity of Florence. The panel by Bernando Daddi and the tabernacle designed by Andrea Orcagna have generated, I argue, a parallel cult – one revering the exquisite artistic draughtsman ship of the painting and that of its monumental shrine. In this paper I aim to present the dialogue between the Marian cult located at Orsanmichele, starting in the thirteenth century, and the artistic patronage prompted by the popularity of the miracle-making image of the Virgin. My study represents a critical re-visitation of the prominent book by Megan Holmes, The Miraculous Image in Renaissance Florence, published in 2013.
Keywords: miraculous image; Marian devotion; Florentine art; trecento ; altarpiece; tabernacle.
Oana A. STAN
Eon 5 (1) 2024, 44-53
Chicago Style:
Stan, A., Oana. "From Cult to Culture. The Orsanmichele Madonna Between Art and Devotion." Eon 5, no. 1 (March 31, 2024): 44-53.
APA7 Style:
Stan, A.O. (2024). From Cult to Culture. The Orsanmichele Madonna Between Art and Devotion
. Eon, 5(1), 44-53.
Conceptual clarifications on some terms related to the modernization of the villages of Wallachia in 1831-1858: systematization, regularization, alignment
Abstract: The research undertaken here focuses on the urban modernization of the villages of Wallachia from the period of the Organic Regulation (1831-1858). It intends to specify the semantic sense of the terms by which this modernization is expressed: systematization, regularization, alignment. For this, I do the analysis of archival documents and works related to the systematization of villages. The study identifies specific limitations and definitions by the authors' field of activity and specifies the semantic evolution of the term systematization with reference to the regulatory period. The research and its conclusions allow a better understanding of the process of modernization and Europeanization through which the Romanian space and by extension, the South-Eastern European space went through in the first half of the 19th century. With clear concepts we have a right definition of the entire historical process.
Keywords: systematization; regularization; alignment; ruralism; urban modernization.
Eon 5 (1) 2024, 54-63
Chicago Style:
Grigore, Vasile. "Conceptual clarifications on some terms related to the modernization of the villages of Wallachia in 1831-1858: systematization, regularization, alignment." Eon 5, no. 1 (March 31, 2024): 54-63.
APA7 Style:
Grigore, V. (2024).Conceptual clarifications on some terms related to the modernization of the villages of Wallachia in 1831-1858: systematization, regularization, alignment
. Eon, 5(1), 54-63.