Cuprins / Table of
Manolache, Despre/cu privire la
Michel Foucault. Despre natura umană* 1
Dragoș Dragoman, Ideologia "Omului Nou" în noua revoluție industrială. Ce ne spune Roger Scruton despre foloasele pesimismului?. 9
Liliana Danciu, Poezia, reinteriorizare a durerii de a fi 24
Cristian Pașcalău, Definiția metaforică în creația rebusistă a lui Eugen Diradurian 40
Valentin Roman, Din istoria unui concept sintactic controversat: sintagma. 55
Adriana Ecaterina Achimescu, Eugen Lovinescu. Omul sburător. 72
Dragoș Dragoman, Omul și Universul: devenirea omului după Vedānta. 78
Teodor Vidam, Reflecții pe marginea Bibliei (I) 94
Pașcalău, "Noduri" lirice în filigranul hieratic
al memoriei. Recenzie 104
Veron Dobroshi, Characters
and Space in the novel "Twilight of the Eastern Gods" by Ismail Kadare. 108
Gabriel Hasmațuchi, Eminescu, a consistent journalist. 119
Eduard-Claudiu Gross, The significance of Orphan Photography: Rethinking Vernacular Photography in the context of Art History. 127
Mircea Băduț, An anthropological outlook over the Science-Fiction. 138
Xingyan Huang, Catholic disaster relief in China (1840-1949). Based on the case of Hunan 145
Maria Sinaci & Gabriel Hasmațuchi, Education, Neurotechnologies, and Ethics. An overview.. 161
Despre/cu privire la Michel Foucault. Despre natura umană
Eon, 4 (1), 2023, 1-8
Title: On/Regarding Michel Foucault. On Human Nature
Abstract: The present article approaches the significant presence of the preposition on/regarding, in three contexts with particular meaning. The first one is dedicated to the relation on human nature – on Michel Foucault, deepening the dialogue Noam Chomsky/Michel Foucault, On Human Nature, which allows to see the profile coordinates, the positioning and the particular problematization that Foucault cultivates, all these becoming an additional argument for re-positioning the debate as…on Michel Foucault. The second one is interested in the construction made with the prepositional structure regarding Foucault, in the sense in which through the debate On Human Nature, on and regarding converge towards the same pole of interest. The third one uses the translation of the Chomsky-Foucault debate, published at The New Press, New York, 2006, to highlight the position (with current accents) of Michel Foucault on Human Rights ("Confronting Governments: Human Rights", in Libération, June 1984).
Keywords: Michel Foucault; Noam Chomsky – Michel
Foucault Debate; On Human Nature;
Confronting Governments: Human Rights.
Chicago Style:
Manolache, Viorella, "Despre/cu privire la Michel Foucault. Despre natura umană." Eon 4, no. 1 (June 6, 2023): 1-8.
APA7 Style:
Manolache, V. (2023). Despre/cu privire la Michel Foucault. Despre natura umană. Eon, 4(1), 1-8.
Ideologia "Omului Nou" în noua revoluție industrială. Ce ne spune Roger Scruton despre foloasele pesimismului?
Eon, 4 (1), 2023, 9-23
Title: The Ideology of New Man in the New Industrial Revolution: What Roger Scruton teaches us about the Uses of Pessimism
Abstract: The ideology of the New Man that fuels the new industrial revolution, the so-called Fourth Revolution based on information and communication technology, is a new promise for universal freedom and happiness. As other earlier utopian promises, it intends to forcibly shape man and society, in order to acquire the much-waited redemption from the current unsatisfactory and degraded state. This time, by accompanying the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the social engineering is intertwined with the full transformation of the Man, through successfully overpassing Nature and Culture. Mixing man and machine, improving biology and totally controlling society represents the final leap forward of the behaviorist psychology and natural science, putting into practice their slogan that all we are is the result of the external stimuli, that everything is constructed. Confronted with such a radical proposal for reshaping Nature and Culture, one could rely on the benefits of moderate pessimism. This is a necessary safeguard in face of new destructive utopia that swept the world in the last decades.
Keywords: utopia; trans-human ideology; social control; mass surveillance; totalitarianism.
Chicago Style:
Dragoman, Dragoș. "The Ideology of New Man in the New Industrial Revolution:
What Roger Scruton teaches us about the Uses of Pessimism." Eon 4, no. 1 (June 6, 2023): 9-23.
APA7 Style:
Dragoman, D. (2023). The Ideology of New Man in the New Industrial Revolution: What Roger Scruton teaches us about the Uses of Pessimism
. Eon, 4(1), 9-23.
Poezia, reinteriorizare a durerii de a fi
Liliana DANCIU
Eon, 4 (1), 2023, 24-39
Title: Poetry, re-interiorization of the pain of being
Abstract: The poetic creation of Constanța Buzea turns out to be a complex "pilgrimage", aesthetic, physical, spiritual and mystical, traveled hand in hand by the poetic self and the woman (Penelope and Magdalena) in order to touch the "unlived" in the sphere of the word and the spirit. In a tireless search for self, there are both painful retreats in the wounded interiority and expansions of revolt against the unfortunate condition of the woman.
Keywords: poetry; Constanța Buzea; interiority; woman
condition; neomodernism; pilgrimage.
Danciu, Liliana. "Poezia, reinteriorizare a durerii de a fi." Eon 4, no. 1 (June 6, 2023): 24-39.
APA7 Style:Danciu, L. (2023). Poezia, reinteriorizare a durerii de a fi. Eon, 4(1), 24-39.
Definiția metaforică în creația rebusistă a lui Eugen Diradurian
Eon, 4 (1), 2023, 40-54
Title: The Metaphoric Definition in Eugen Diradurian's crossword puzzle creation
Abstract: In this study we aim to discuss the figurative definition in crossword puzzles with special focus on Eugen Diradurian's metaphoric creativity in the field. We also make an inquiry on several theoretical approaches, in the attempt to offer a survey on the semantic strategies involved in the construction of poetic sense, by means of which metaphoric creativity emerges and shapes new means of expression. A close look into the way in which crossword puzzles definitions are generated and the fabric of literature seems to give us the opportunity to emphasize the profound connection between metaphoric puzzle definitions and poetry itself. Our explanatory endeavor integrates the samples submitted to analysis within the conceptual frame of semantics and poetics, in such a way that would enable us to grasp their typological peculiarities and unfold their symbolic network.
Keywords: Eugen Diradurian; crossword puzzle definition;
metaphor; semantic strategies.
Chicago Style:
Pașcalău, Cristian. "Definiția metaforică în creația rebusistă a lui Eugen Diradurian." Eon 4, no. 1 (June 6, 2023): 40-54.
APA Style:
Pașcalău, C. (2023). Definiția metaforică în creația rebusistă a lui Eugen Diradurian.
Eon, 4(1), 40-54
Din istoria unui concept sintactic controversat: sintagma
Valentin ROMAN
Eon, 4 (1), 2023, 55-71
Title: On the history of a syntactic concept: the syntagm
Abstract: This paper aims at presenting some aspects regarding the history of a controversial syntactical concept, i. e. the syntagm, as it is presented in foreign (Russian, French etc.) and Romanian grammars and Schools of grammar (notably, Iași, București and Cluj). In this study, we adopt only the definition given by the Cluj School of grammar, i.e. a group of two terms and the relation between them. Therefore, the syntagm is a relational unit, based on a relation, and not a unit in relation.
Keywords: syntagm; binary structure, valence, subordination, coordination, phrase.
Roman, Valentin. "Din istoria unui concept sintactic controversat: sintagma." Eon 4, no. 1 (June 6, 2023): 55-77.
Roman, V. (2023). Din istoria unui concept sintactic controversat: sintagma. Eon, 4(1), 55-77.
Eugen Lovinescu. Omul sburător
Adriana Ecaterina ACHIMESCU
Eon, 4 (1), 2023, 72-77
Title: Eugen Lovinescu. A literary figure
Abstract: The Lovinescian spirit is perfected when he accepts to lead a literary magazine, at which point a new generation of writers will debut, Sburătorul contributing fundamentally to its affirmation. Although the initiative of the publication of the magazine belongs to Liviu Rebreanu, and Ion Minulescu proposes the title, Lovinescu is the one who will deal with the publication and close collaboration with the writers.
Keywords: Sburătorul; literary circle;
women's literature; renewal of literature.
Chicago Style:
Achimescu,Adriana Ecaterina. "Eugen Lovinescu. Omul sburător." Eon 4, no. 1 (June 6, 2023): 72-77.
APA7 Style:
Achimescu, A. E. (2023). Eugen Lovinescu. Omul sburător. Eon, 4(1), 72-77.
Omul și Universul: devenirea omului după Vedānta
Eon, 4(1), 2023, 78-93
Title: The Human Being and the Universe: the becoming of man according to Vedānta
Abstract: Human existence in the manifested reality has never been limited to pure material existence, to pure biological, chemical and physical observable processes. This is the "progress" of the modern natural science that downgraded human existence to its pure material foundations and refuses to acknowledge any other existential dimension. This is why modern psychology, for instance, is unable to exceed the simple states of mind and to look forward to the unveiling of the human spirit manifesting into material forms. Yet esoteric sciences and authentic religions still have access to this non-material manifestation. This is the case of Vedanta, which replaces the becoming of the human spirit on the ground of the realization of the Supreme Spirit in Nature. As a natural consequence, the fulfillment of the human condition is to embrace and dissolve into the infinite non-manifestation of the Supreme.
Keywords: Vedanta; Religion; Hinduism; Philosophy; Modernity.
Chicago Style:
Dragoman, Dragoș. "Omul și Universul: devenirea omului după Vedānta." Eon 4, no. 1 (June 6, 2023): 78-93.
APA7 Style:
Dragoman, D. (2023). Omul și Universul: devenirea omului după Vedānta. Eon, 4(1), 78-93.
Reflecții pe marginea Bibliei (I)
Teodor VIDAM
Eon, 4 (1), 2023, 94-103
Title: Bible Reflections (I)
Abstract: The Bible has always offered solutions for reviving society. That is why the reconstruction of the human being must start from reading it, from knowing its parables and deep religious meditations. The multitude of iniquities overwhelm us, they lead us astray from the matrix of normality. The abuses undermine a minimal moral code. The Bible is a cornerstone book, one that is confirmed by revelation and millenary experience. It is humanity's moral treasure chest that we must make the most of. This spiritual itinerary I have followed, thinking also of the work and effort put in by the Archbishop of Cluj, Bartolomeu Valeriu Anania. The exception and the exceptional, the tarrying over manuscripts are increasingly rare nowadays.
Keywords: moral guide; common sense; moral mutation; virtue; moral facts.
Chicago Style:
Vidam, T. "Reflecții pe marginea Bibliei (I) ." Eon 4, no. 1 (June 6, 2023): 94-103.
APA7 Style:
Vidam, T. (2023). Reflecții pe marginea Bibliei (I) . Eon, 4(1), 94-103.
"Noduri" lirice în filigranul hieratic al memoriei. Recenzie
Eon, 4 (1), 2023, 104-107
Title: Lirical "Nodes" in the Hieratic Filigree of Memory. Book review
Abstract: The present review is meant to emphasize Gabriel Hasmațuchi's mythopoetic universe, as it unfolds in "Nodes". Memory against oblivion, thought against randomness, light against darkness, a celebration of life against death are the main coordinates of this universe, in which the self takes sacred symbols, sites, and artefacts in a journey of bright, hieratic rediscover of inner and outer equilibrium.
Keywords: Gabriel Hasmațuchi; poetry; metaphor; memory.
Chicago Style:
Pașcalău, C. " "Noduri" lirice în filigranul hieratic al memoriei. Recenzie." Eon 4, no. 1 (June 6, 2023): 104-107.
APA7 Style:
Pașcalău, C. (2023). "Noduri" lirice în filigranul hieratic al memoriei. Recenzie. Eon, 4(1), 104-107.
Characters and Space in the novel "Twilight of the Eastern Gods" by Ismail Kadare
Eon, 4 (1), 2023, 108-118
Space and description are important elements in, the
literary work, which are closely related to the literary characters and their
actions within the events. In the novel "Twilight of the eastern
Gods" by Ismail Kadare, several interesting points of space and
description are encountered. Many characters appear in this novel, which are
also real names because they are directly related to the personal experience of
the author and a period of his life. The study will highlight the
characteristics of these characters and their relationship with the narrator of
this novel and their function within the narrative. The characters are located
within a space, therefore they are closely connected because it is the space
where they act. The spaces in this novel are both external and internal. The
study also includes another dimension, that of the translation of Kadare's work
in Romania, as well as the cultural-literary ties between Albania and Romania.
Keywords: Albanian; characters; novel; space; description;
Chicago Style:
Dobroshi, V. " Characters and Space in the novel "Twilight of the Eastern Gods" by Ismail Kadare
." Eon 4, no. 1 (June 6, 2023): 108-118.
APA7 Style:
Dobroshi, V. (2023). Characters and Space in the novel "Twilight of the Eastern Gods" by Ismail Kadare
. Eon, 4(1), 108-118.
Eminescu, a consistent journalist
Eon, 4 (1), 2023, 119-126.
Abstract. Mihai Eminescu (1850-1889) belongs to the category of living writers. A versatile spirit - poet, journalist, prose writer, philosopher, playwright, translator - considered by Noica as "the complete man of the Romanian culture", through his writings he is an author who continues to inspire scholars and the public (readers). For more than a century, his work still has a germinating energy, contributing, on the one hand, to the production of new research on it and, on the other hand, leading exegetes to constantly and deeply investigate, aiming, as the critic Ion Dur rightfully remarked, to reach to "another Eminescu", the one "who has not been discovered yet and, therefore, is not accepted by those who constantly ask us if we have still remained to the author of Luceafărul". In the case of the present research, which builds on the foundation of an essay that I published in 2009, I try, as far as possible, to highlight and analyse some aspects which reveal the moral traits of the publicist, his judgments on the press of his time and the reception he enjoyed. My intention does not aim at an exhaustive approach but aims at developing as clearly as possible what I propose.
Keywords: conciseness; truth; Curierul de Iași; Timpul; polyvalent journalist profile; ethics; classification of the Romanian press; reception.
Chicago Style:
Hasmațuchi, G. "Eminescu, a consistent journalist." Eon 4, no. 1 (June 6, 2023): 119-126.
APA7 Style:
Hasmațuchi, G. (2023). Eminescu, a consistent journalist. Eon, 4(1), 119-126.
The significance of Orphan Photography: Rethinking Vernacular Photography in the context of Art History
Eduard-Claudiu GROSS
Eon, 4 (1), 2023, 127-137
Abstract: The study investigates the cultural and historical significance of orphan photographs, a category of unnamed, unclaimed, or abandoned photos that offer intriguing insights into the lives of everyday people and challenge conventional notions of family representation, thereby contributing to the growing field of vernacular photography studies. Orphan photographs have often been overlooked in the context of visual history studies. However, this study also proposes to fill a gap in the existing literature. The first part examines the structure of family photo albums, emphasizing that the photographs on an album may not always represent authentic family relationships and events. Furthermore, the significance of orphaned photos is highlighted, demonstrating how they provide insights into regular people's daily lives and societal customs. Sharing and organizing vernacular photography has become possible with the rise of digital technologies and online platforms, while repair and preserving technologies have made it possible to keep and fix ancient and damaged photos. Orphan photos are valuable as artistic and academic works because they can be reinterpreted and recontextualized in novel and thought-provoking ways. In conclusion, abandoned photos provide exceptional views of the past and present, providing valuable insight into everyday people's lives and social traditions.
Keywords: orphan photographs; family photo albums; vernacular
photography; digital preservation; cultural heritage; snapshot photography.
Chicago Style:
Gross, E. C. "The significance of Orphan Photography: Rethinking Vernacular Photography in the context of Art History
." Eon 4, no. 1 (June 6, 2023): 127-137.
APA7 Style:
Gross, E. C. (2023). The significance of Orphan Photography: Rethinking Vernacular Photography in the context of Art History. Eon, 4(1), 127-137.
An anthropological outlook over the Science-Fiction
Mircea BĂDUȚ
Eon, 4 (1) 2023, 138-144
Abstract: The image of Science Fiction for human society – a double perspective: how the phenomenon of Science-Fiction is viewed, and how it imprints culture/society. Therefore, the here-presented essay seeks to analyze some psycho-social aspects identifiable in the interaction between the SF creation (literary, especially) and its addressee.
Keywords: anthropology; psychology; society; culture; cultural trends; literature; influences.
Chicago Style:
Băduț, M. "An anthropological outlook over the Science-Fiction." Eon 4, no. 1 (June 6, 2023): 138-144.
APA7 Style:
Băduț, M. (2023). An anthropological outlook over the Science-Fiction. Eon, 4(1), 138-144.
Catholic disaster relief in China (1840-1949). Based on the case of Hunan
Xingyan HUANG
Eon, 4 (1), 2023, 145-160
Abstract: Participating and holding public charity is a long tradition of the Catholic and a concrete embodiment of the Catholic active participation in social care. During the period from 1840 to 1949, the political structure, social class, and economic order of Chinese society underwent earth-shaking changes, and wars and turmoil were frequent. In this period of social turmoil, while preaching in China, Catholicism also adheres to religious concepts, actively practices the concept of charity, and participates in social charity services in many ways. Missionaries, who had come to China in modern times, had actively participated in various charitable undertakings in China with full religious enthusiasm, especially disaster and famine relief. At present, less attention has been paid to the research on disaster relief undertakings carried out by Catholic missionaries in China, especially the history of local religious disaster relief needs to be improved. The Catholic's disaster relief in China has always played an indelible role in disaster relief. And reflecting on and drawing on the historical experience is of great practical significance for the current disaster resistance and relief. Studying the disaster relief undertakings carried out by the Catholic Church in modern Hunan could further expand the research on disaster and relief in China and could contribute to similar research in other countries.
Keywords: Catholic; missionaries; China; disaster relief.
Chicago Style:
Huang, X. "Catholic disaster relief in China (1840-1949). Based on the case of Hunan" Eon 4, no. 1 (June 6, 2023): 145-160.
APA7 Style:
Huang, X. (2023). Catholic disaster relief in China (1840-1949). Based on the case of Hunan. Eon, 4(1), 145-160.
Education, Neurotechnologies, and Ethics. An
Eon, 4 (1), 2023, 161-176
Abstract. The progress made in recent decades in neuroscience and new technologies have also influenced the educational environment from the perspective of the didactic methods used and the integration of modern methods. Educational neurotechnologies increasingly present in educational systems are also more challenging for both students, teachers, and parents. In the present article we provide an overview of educational neurotechnologies, with an analysis of the benefits and ethical-legal issues raised by their use. We bring to attention the need to train teachers, in the sense of developing specific skills for using neurotechnologies in the classroom, through training courses. Only in this way is it possible to prevent errors and possible unwanted effects. We sustain the need to integrate the use of educational neurotechnologies in an ethical-legal framework for ensuring personal neurobiological data and respecting confidentiality. The methods used are the analysis of the data provided by specialized works, especially recent ones, the extraction of relevant information for the researched topic and then their synthesis for a better understanding of the problems and the identification of possible solutions.
Keywords: neurotechnologies, education, ethics, professional skills, training, teacher, student.
Chicago Style:
Sinaci, M., and Hasmațuchi, G. "Education, Neurotechnologies, and Ethics. An overview." Eon 4, no. 1 (June 6, 2023): 161-176.
APA7 Style:
Sinaci, M., & Hasmațuchi, G. (2023). Education, Neurotechnologies, and Ethics. An overview. Eon, 4(1), 161-176.