Lucinda BOERMANS, Alexandra DUMITRESCU, A Collective Imaginary and a Proposition for Change...................................... 76
Nicole GRUBER, I talk, self-focused attention and implicit achievement motive....................................... 90
Cristian PAȘCALĂU, Valoarea semnului lingvistic în concepția lui Ferdinand de Saussure. Implicații lexico-semantice (II)............................................. 98
K. V. TWAIN, "Murmur Beyond Silence" by Eugen D. Popin. Between Heart and Intellection, Past and Present.....................................109
Dragoș DRAGOMAN, Profeții noii ordini socio-economice. Recitindu-l pe Fukuyama după 30 de ani ...... 117
Livia Georgeta SUCIU, John Zorn şi "multiversul" muzicii sale avangardiste............................ 128
Eduard-Claudiu GROSS, AI for Arts by Niklas Hageback and Daniel Hedblom..................................144
A Collective Imaginary and a Proposition for Change
Eon, 3 (2), 2022, 76-89
Abstract: This article focuses upon young people's negative stress and anxiety in an education setting through a metamodern lens. The driving question of this project is the recurring issue: given the many factors that stress young people these days, how can we address those stressors? The aim is to shed some light on what educators can do to help young persons who live with anxiety. We also aim to create a short publication of received responses to forward to education authorities worldwide. In discussing the issue, we are drawing upon our personal experiences, creative processes, and recognized research from multicultural practitioners in the disciplines of medicine, education, art, sociology, and philosophy. The focus will not be on theoretical solutions, but on practical, creative ones.
Metamodern attitudes propose that past texts can hold ever renewed relevance for the present. Accordingly, this narrative is told in an epistolary format complemented by a questionnaire and contemporary responses to an essay written in the middle of modernity some 80 years ago by New Zealand born kinetic artist Len Lye in collaboration with British writer Robert Graves, "Individual Happiness Now: A Definition of Common Purpose". Responding to Lye's essay "in the now of immediate action" calls for a focus upon "timing" our "position" in the world and an ethics of care, as well as endeavours to "stimulate [the] dormant intensity" of the present. (1)
Keywords: Len Lye; agile design; metamodernism; ethics of care; performative pedagogy; stress; anxiety; complexity.
Chicago Style:
Boermans, Lucinda, and Alexandra Dumitrescu. "A Collective Imaginary and a Proposition for Change." Eon 3, no. 2 (September 30, 2022): 76-89.
APA7 Style:
Boermans, L., & Dumitrescu, A. (2022). A Collective Imaginary and a Proposition for Change. Eon, 3(2), 76-89.
I talk, self-focused attention and implicit achievement motive
Eon, 3 (2), 2022, 90-97
Abstract: The use of pronouns is linked to unconscious processes. Especially self-referred pronouns deliver much about the writer of a story. I tested two theories, the achievement motive theory and the theory of self-focused attention on a data set of 2942 PSE/TAT-protocols. Here I analyzed how the implicit (unconscious) achievement motive and its two components hope of success (HS) and fear of failure (FF) can be found in the use of self-referred pronouns. The results show that the achievement motive is related to self-referred but not to we-referred pronouns. Further results show that FF is more related to self-referred pronouns than HS. Furthermore, FF is more related to self-referred personal than self-referred possessive pronouns. This speaks for both the theory of implicit achievement motive and self-focused attention theory.
Keywords: TAT; PSE; achievement motive; self-focused attention.
Chicago Style:
Gruber, Nicole. "I Talk, Self-Focused Attention and Implicit Achievement Motive." Eon 3, no. 2 (September 30, 2022): 90-97.
APA7 Style:
Gruber, N. (2022). I talk, self-focused attention and implicit achievement motive. Eon, 3(2), 90-97.
Valoarea semnului lingvistic în concepția lui Ferdinand de Saussure. Implicații lexico-semantice (II)
Eon, 3 (2), 2022, 98-108
Title: The Value of the Linguistic Sign in Ferdinand de Saussureʼs Framework. Lexical-semantic Implications (II)
Abstract: Our essay revisits Saussure's frame regarding the concept of value and its implications in the field of semantic changes, proper and figurate meaning, as well as synonyms. We follow a critical examination of the concept of value, as used by Saussure in order to define meaning. A brief discussion regarding linguistic alterity as well as the mutability and immutability of signs will be carried on.
Keywords: Ferdinand de Saussure; structuralism; value; meaning; semantic changes; synonyms.
Pașcalău, Cristian. "Valoarea Semnului Lingvistic În Concepția Lui Ferdinand De Saussure. Implicații Lexico-Semantice (II)." Eon 3, no. 2 (September 30, 2022): 98-108.
APA7 Style:Pașcalău, C. (2022). Valoarea semnului lingvistic în concepția lui Ferdinand de Saussure. Implicații lexico-semantice (II). Eon, 3(2), 98-108.
"Murmur Beyond Silence" by Eugen D. Popin. Between Heart and Intellection, Past and Present
Eon, 3 (2), 2022, 109-116
Title: "Murmur Beyond Silence" by Eugen D. Popin. Between Heart and Intellection, Past and Present
Abstract: In his latest poetry volume, Murmur Beyond Silence, Eugen D. Popin offers us a mythico-religious literary journey through some of the essential spheres of life (nature, family, love), as well as poetic commentaries on Romania's communist regime and the war now being waged against the human species. The volume was published in Romanian in 2021 and in English in 2022.
Keywords: heart; intellection; family; nature; love.
Chicago Style:
Twain, K V. "'Murmur Beyond Silence' by Eugen D. Popin. Between Heart and Intellection, Past and Present." Eon 3, no. 2 (September 30, 2022): 109-16.
APA Style:
Twain, K. V. (2022). "Murmur Beyond Silence" by Eugen D. Popin. Between Heart and Intellection, Past and Present. Eon, 3(2), 109-116.
Profeții noii ordini socio-economice. Recitindu-l pe Fukuyama după 30 de ani
Eon, 3(2), 2022, 117-127
Title: The Prophets of the New Social and Economic Order. Rereading Fukuyama Thirty Years Later
Abstract: The current developments in the new type of capitalism that has been recently labeled as "surveillance capitalism", specific for the contemporary information civilization in Western world, ask new questions about the relationship between state and economy, bureaucracy and citizens. Although state bureaucracy has been taken as a burden by the initial economic liberalism, the new capitalism founds the virtues of potent state bureaucracy in fulfilling its own aim, namely overpassing the pure profit and fostering universal happiness. Yet this fabricated happiness is a state of overall equality, with no real incentive and no real passion, but a total control of the human environment, under the ladder cover of a market driven authoritarianism. This stage of final Western capitalism and society was anticipated by Max Weber, Friedrich Nietzsche and Joseph Schumpeter and was indicated by Francis Fukuyama as a possible outcome of applying the methods of the modern science of nature into human affairs.
Keywords: social theory; capitalism; socialism; totalitarianism; democracy.
Dragoman, Dragoș. "Profeții Noii Ordini Socio-Economice. Recitindu-l Pe Fukuyama După 30 De Ani." Eon 3, no. 2 (September 30, 2022): 117-27.
Dragoman, D. (2022). Profeții noii ordini socio-economice. Recitindu-l pe Fukuyama după 30 de ani. Eon, 3(2), 117-127.
John Zorn și "multiversul" muzicii sale avangardiste
Livia Georgeta SUCIU
Eon, 3 (2), 2022, 128-143
Title: John Zorn and the «multiverse» of his avant-garde music"
Abstract: To keep up with the contemporary avant-garde and experimental movements, we take a look at Downtown New York's avant-garde music scene and trace the iconic, highly prolific and provocative activity of composer, performer, publisher John Zorn. Ever since the 60s, jazz-fusion musicians have experimented with the explosive mixture of musical styles and have detonated musical themes, proportions and harmony in music, in order to release instead improvisation, unpredictability, discontinuity, a-tonality, etc., to confront us with what escapes us and surprises us in music. In this context, we focus on the artist John Zorn, given that he challenged all musical conventions and showed us that all boundaries are permeable, dissolvable and can merge. We trace in various positions, comments, interviews, the arguments of musicologists like Marcel Cobussen, journalists like Hank Shteamer, or of musicians collaborating with John Zorn, in order to understand how this avant-garde community coalesced around him, what the remarkable initiatives are that propelled John Zorn onto the artistic scene and what the impact of his complex activity is, the creation of new practices and new musical universes, absolutely surprising.
Keywords: avant-garde music, experimental music, jazz-fusion, free-jazz.
Chicago Style:
Suciu, Livia Georgeta. "John Zorn Și 'Multiversul' Muzicii Sale Avangardiste." Eon 3, no. 2 (September 30, 2022): 128-43.
APA7 Style:
Suciu, L. G. (2022). John Zorn și "multiversul" muzicii sale avangardiste. Eon, 3(2), 128-143.
AI for Arts by Niklas Hageback and Daniel Hedblom
Eduard-Claudiu GROSS
Eon, 3(1), 2022, 144-147
Title: AI for Arts by Niklas Hageback and Daniel Hedblom
Abstract: The present review of the book AI for Arts by Niklas Hageback and Daniel Hedblom summarizes the main ideas of the concise volume which can act as a guide for those interested in the emergence of Artificial Intelligence, regardless of their level of knowledge. The four chapters are comprehensive enough to understand the origins of art and the events which have changed it, the current state of art of Artificial Intelligence in the creative field, and how it is already influencing the landscape of art, and finally, the direction it is heading and what the potential consequences of the hypothetical autonomy of Artificial Intelligence are. The present book is here to debunk the mystification hovering around AI, which is often portrayed by media as a monster destined to replace humans altogether. Art, which seems to be something that can only be made by humans, is also directly "threatened" by technological progress. As the book's authors present, it is time for authentic creativity to come to the fore.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Art; Generated Art; Technology, Digital Humanities; Art Manifesto.
Chicago Style:
Gross, Eduard Claudiu. "AI for Arts by Niklas Hageback and Daniel Hedblom." Eon 3, no. 2 (September 30, 2022): 144-47.
APA7 Style:
Gross, E. C. (2022). AI for Arts by Niklas Hageback and Daniel Hedblom. Eon, 3(2), 144-147.