Viorella Manolache: Deleuze - z ca în zigzag. 1
Cristian Pașcalău: Valoarea semnului lingvistic în concepția lui Ferdinand de Saussure. Implicații lexico-semantice (I) 11
Till Kinzel: Amerikanische Blicke auf Italien und seine Kunst am Beispiel der Italienfahrten von H. W. Longfellow, J. F. Cooper, N. Hawthorne. 21
Dragoș Dragoman: Rousseau, religia naturală și pietismul protestant 35
Anca Sîrghie: Lucian Blaga și Radu Stanca, sub zodia unor afinități elective. 43
Mircea Băduț: Stagnation in human evolution?. 59
Cristian Pașcalău: "Strategii fractale" în orizontul transdisciplinarității65
Dragoș Dragoman: "Lemnul strâmb al omenirii" și rindeaua super-statului birocratic modern 70
- z ca în zigzag
Eon, 3 (1), 2022, 1-10.
Title: Deleuze - Z as in Zigzag
The present article approaches -
accepting Deleuze gestures of a huge
Z in the air - the zigzag as method and original movement,
as a way of contextual recovery dedicated to the dark precursor (via Paulo de Assis, Paolo Giudici, 2017 and Eleanor
Kaufman, 2021), recognizing that the concept adds meaning to the
attributive-identifying syntagma Dark
Deleuze (Andrew Culp, 2016). On the one hand, Deleuze's perspective
anticipates and corrects the hypothesis of Eleanor Kaufman, when assesses the
concept [the dark precursor], naming
it "the relatively unelaborated term by Deleuze" or ante-extrapolates
the idea that Paulo de Assis and Paolo Giudici decreed it through an
"extremely poetic operator", by positioning the Z on the keyboard, as
a dispositif of power
and/or power relations. On the other
hand, the syntagma Dark Deleuze can
be related to the prevalence of the constitutive Z: the questions asked by
Claire Parnet if he is happy to have a Zed in his name,
Deleuze is not only delighted, but fulfilled, that it has reached a level of
thinking that defines and fixes the posthume/
postZumous area.
Keywords: Dark precursor; Dark
Deleuze; Z as in Zigzag; Abecedar.
Chicago Style:
Manolache, Viorella. "Deleuze - z ca în zigzag." Eon 3, no. 1 (May 20, 2022): 1-10.
APA7 Style:
Manolache, V. (2022). Deleuze - z ca în zigzag
. Eon, 3(1), 1-10.
Valoarea semnului lingvistic în concepția lui Ferdinand de Saussure. Implicații lexico-semantice (I)
Eon, 3 (1), 2022, 11-20
Title: The Value of the Linguistic Sign in Ferdinand de
Saussureʼs Framework. Lexical-semantic Implications (I)
Abstract: Our essay revisits a prominent theory in the sciences of language, namely structuralism, a paradigm that has linguistic signs at the core of its theoretical framework. In order to grasp this framework, we discuss the main concepts on which linguistic structuralism is founded: linguistic sign, signifiant/signifié, content/expression, langue/parole, diachrony/synchrony, mutability/immutability, and so forth. A special regard is given to the concept of value, by which language and linguistic signs form a system comparable to the game of chess or money and the monetary system.
Keywords: Ferdinand de Saussure; structuralism; linguistics; semiology; linguistic sign; value.
Chicago Style:
Pașcalău, Cristian. "Valoarea semnului lingvistic în concepția lui Ferdinand de Saussure. Implicații lexico-semantice (I)." Eon 3, no. 1 (May 20, 2022): 11-20.
APA7 Style:
Pașcalău, C. (2022). Valoarea semnului lingvistic în concepția lui Ferdinand de Saussure. Implicații lexico-semantice (I). Eon, 3(1), 11-20.
Amerikanische Blicke auf Italien und seine Kunst am Beispiel der Italienfahrten von H. W. Longfellow, J. F. Cooper, N. Hawthorne
Eon, 3 (1), 2022, 21-34
Title: American Views on Italy and Its
Art: Travelling to Italy with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, James Fenimore Copper
and Nathaniel Hawthorne
Abstract: Travelling to Italy was of crucial importance for many Americans in the 19th century. When they came to Italy, however, they did not simply visit the country but read it through the eyes of earlier travellers and poets who had already contributes to the aesthetization of the Italian experience. The poet and anthologist Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the novelist and travel writer James Fenimore Cooper and the novelist Nathanel Hawthorne exemplify different ways of engaging both with the reality of travelling in Italy as well as its poetic images. Intertextual relations shape the perception of Italy by American writers; and increasingly ambivalent attitudes emerge that lead to culture criticism and philosophic reflection.
Keywords: travelogues; transatlantic
cultural transfer, Rome; art in fiction; fictionalization.
Kinzel, Till. "Amerikanische Blicke auf Italien und seine Kunst am Beispiel der Italienfahrten von H. W. Longfellow, J. F. Cooper, N. Hawthorne." Eon 3, no. 1 (May 20, 2022): 21-34.
APA7 Style:
Kinzel, T. (2022). Amerikanische Blicke auf Italien und seine Kunst am Beispiel der Italienfahrten von H. W. Longfellow, J. F. Cooper, N. Hawthorne . Eon, 3(1), 21-34.
Rousseau, religia naturală și pietismul protestant
Eon, 3 (1), 2022, 35-42
Title: Rousseau, natural
religion and the Protestant Pietism
Abstract: By the effort undergone for almost two centuries, religious revelation is withdrawn from the public sphere to the very heart of the believers. Faith does no longer mean obeying to the sacred rules of the Church, leading the Christians to the path of salvation, but to search for the Sacred inside one's heart. This move is essential for understanding how organized religion in Western Europe coped with the rational interpretation of scientific observable data. Whereas the Catholic Church had serious difficulties in integrating scientific knowledge into his overall framework for interpretation of the world, the Protestant churches adapted quicker, by strongly emphasizing inner feelings, as the genuine call for personal salvation. However, moving from organized religion to a purely subjective evaluation of religiosity was the decisive coup to both ontology and religion, which ended in a secular philosophy of science, strong pietism, and a metaphysics of morals.
Keywords:Religion; Philosophy;
Rousseau; Protestant ethics; Max Weber.
Chicago Style:
Dragoman, Dragoș. "Rousseau, religia naturală și pietismul protestant
." Eon 3, no. 1 (May 20, 2022): 35-42.
APA Style:
Dragoman, D. (2021). Rousseau, religia naturală și pietismul protestant . Eon, 3(1), 35-42.
Lucian Blaga și Radu Stanca, sub zodia unor afinități elective
Eon, 3 (1), 2022, 43-58
Title: Lucian Blaga and Radu Stanca, under the sign of elective affinities
Abstract: Detached from the same leaven of the Transylvanian land, Lucian Blaga and Radu Stanca had fruitful closeness as a profound significance between an elite university student and his disciple, creator of genius in his own way. The approaches were produced by an alchemy of literary geography, but without shading each other's originality or moving from their own path, established by destiny towards the same pages of Romanian literature.
Keywords: Poetry; philosophy; theater; journalism; explosive debut; Vienna Diktat; drawer literature; destiny.
Stagnation in human evolution?
Mircea BĂDUȚ
Eon, 3 (1), 2022, 59-64
Abstract: The following text proposes for reflection the idea of an anticipatory speculation regarding the evolution of human society under the effect of psycho-social assimilation of the technical-scientific development, an idea developed by amalgamating some aspects of anthropology, psychology, and sociology.
Keywords: anthropology; psychology; evolution; epistemology; gnoseology;
technology; future.
Chicago Style:
Băduț, Mircea. "Stagnation in human evolution?." Eon 3, no. 1 (May 20, 2022): 59-64.
APA7 Style:
Băduț, M. (2021). Stagnation in human evolution?
. Eon, 3(1), 59-64.
„Strategii fractale” în orizontul transdisciplinarității
Eon, 3(1), 2022, 65-69
Title: "Fractal Strategies"
in the transdisciplinary horizon
Abstract: We propose a preliminary presentation to Pompiliu Crăciunescuʼs book, Fractal Strategies. The author, a well-known researcher in the field of transdisciplinary studies, is Associate Profesor at the West University of Timișoara. Our aim is to briefly discuss the topic of transdisciplinarity in relation to the current scientific hyper-specialization, as well as some of the streams of thought and key-concepts that underlie Crăciunescuʼs seminal work, which unites literature and science at the level of transgressive knowledge.
Keywords: Pompiliu Crăciunescu;
transdisciplinarity; levels of reality; poetry; sense.
Pașcalău, Cristian. " 'Strategii fractale' în orizontul transdisciplinarității." Eon 3, no. 1 (May 20, 2022): 65-69.
APA7 Style:
Pașcalău, C. (2022). 'Strategii fractale' în orizontul transdisciplinarității. Eon, 3(1), 65-69.
„Lemnul strâmb al omenirii” și rindeaua super - statului birocratic modern
Eon, 3(1), 2022, 70-75
Title: The Crooked Timber of Humanity and the Planer of the Modern Bureacratic Super-state
Abstract: Translating into Romanian the famous book of Isaiah Berlin offers the perfect opportunity to ask new questions and shed new light on the development of political authority. This time, the context is marked by unprecedented physical, psychological and communication capabilities that have never been at the disposal of modern bureaucracy. With outstanding surveillance, coercion, and persuasion techniques at hand, the modern state is more able to transform individuals and society as it has never been before. the new almighty state is now closer to what Tocqueville has imagined with much apprehension and distrust, namely a terrible force to keep ordinary citizens into perfect obedience.
Keywords: Modernity; Bureacracy; Totalitarianism; Political violence; History of ideas.
Chicago Style:
Dragoman, Dragoș. " 'Lemnul strâmb al omenirii' și rindeaua super - statului birocratic modern." Eon 3, no. 1 (May 20, 2022): 70-75.
APA7 Style:
Dragoman, D. (2022). 'Lemnul strâmb al omenirii' și rindeaua super - statului birocratic modern. Eon, 3(1), 70-75.