CRISTIAN PAȘCALAU - Analiză textologică a poemului "Multiplul unu" de Ștefan Augustin Doinaș - 70
GABRIEL HASMAȚUCHI - Însemnări despre o carte a timpului nostru - 85
ANDREI ZANCA - Corectitudinea ipocriziei obediente - 92
DRAGOȘ DRAGOMAN - Mărturia de credință la Ibn ʻArabī - 98
MIRCEA BĂDUȚ - Educational valences of Science-Fiction - 108
IULIA-BIANCA PAȘCALĂU - Realitatea ficțiunii și conștiința mitului în Twin Peaks de David Lynch - 112
SIMINA PÎRVU - Călătorie culinară - 131

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Analiză textologică a poemului "Multiplul unu" de Ștefan Augustin Doinaș
Eon, 2 (2), 2021, 70-84
Title: "Textological Analysis of the poem «Multiple One» by Ștefan Augustin Doinaș"
Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to tackle Ștefan Augustin Doinașʼs poem entitled "Multiple One" by emphasizing the generative strategies involved in the construction of poetic sense. Our explanatory endeavor integrates the poem within the conceptual frame of semiotics of text, namely using the tools of textological analysis according to Carmen Vlad's model of iceberg-text. In this way, our strong belief is that we will be able to grasp the typological peculiarities of the poem subjected for analysis and, more important, the elements that converge towards the sense creation. In addition, we attempt to unfold the symbolic network conveyed within the world of the poem, which compresses several zones of auctorial consciousness, undoubtedly mixing creative imprints and strategies by means of which the poetic sense is generated.
Keywords: iceberg-text; sense; textual networks; poetic ambiguity, ineffable.
Chicago Style:
Pașcalău, Cristian. "Analiză textologică a poemului 'Multiplul unu' de Ștefan Augustin Doinaș." Eon 2, no. 2 (December 7, 2021): 70-84
APA7 Style:
Pașcalău, C. (2021). Analiză textologică a poemului "Multiplul unu" de Ștefan Augustin Doinaș. Eon, 2(2), 70-84.
Însemnări despre o carte a timpului nostru: Retorică și metafizică: în căutarea rațiunii metafizice de Tudor Cătineanu
Eon, 2 (2), 2021, 85-91
Title: Notes on a Book of Our Time:Rhetoric and Metaphysics: In Search of Metaphysical Reason" by Tudor Cătineanu
Abstract: The philosopher and professor Tudor Cătineanu proposes to "seekers of metaphysical reason" a volume of studies on Rhetoric and Metaphysics. Entitled Rhetoric and Metaphysics: In Search of Metaphysical Reason (Romanian Academy Publishing House, 2019, 571 p.), the book is the result of elaborate studies, therefore pre- and post-December 1989. The work, as the author points out, "is organized by combining two major perspectives, historical and systematic" (p. 7), and the predominant method of work used is the "interdisciplinary methods" called "matrix of levels". But the researcher uses, also, "the matrix of functors" and "the matrix of stylistic".
Keywords: metaphysical reason; diachronic; synchronous; matrix; opinion.
Chicago Style:
Hasmațuchi, Gabriel. "Însemnări despre o carte a timpului nostru: Retorică și metafizică: în căutarea rațiunii metafizice de Tudor Cătineanu." Eon 2, no. 2 (December 7, 2021): 85-91.
APA7 Style:
Hasmațuchi, G. (2021). Însemnări despre o carte a timpului nostru: Retorică și metafizică: în căutarea rațiunii metafizice de Tudor Cătineanu. Eon, 2(2), 85-91.
Corectitudinea ipocriziei obediente
Andrei ZANCA
Eon, 2 (2), 2021, 92-97
Title: "The Correctness of Obedient Hypocrisy"
Abstract: The origin of the phrase "thoughts are free" is ancient. It appears in Cicero, but is, of course, much older. Closer to our time, in 1780, this expression is resumed and intensified in the German space, from where, in 1842, under the popular form of a song, it has been spread, to this day, everywhere. In a simplified context, this expression can be interpreted as a reaction of people to oppression, subordination, total obedience, dictatorial exploitation. In a deeper sense, however, the phrase "thoughts are free" is what might today be called, paradoxically, a justification of obedience, of that political correctness, with a sense of gradual self-censorship and barely noticed; its violation, immediately opening the door to the widespread phenomenon of labeling.
Keywords: freedom; truth; political correctness; labeling.
Zanca, Andrei. "Corectitudinea ipocriziei obediente." Eon 2, no. 2 (December 7, 2021): 92-97.
APA7 Style:
Zanca, A. (2021). Corectitudinea ipocriziei obediente. Eon, 2(2), 92-97.
Mărturia de credință la Ibn ʻArabī
Eon, 2 (2), 2021, 98-107
Title: "Ibn ʻArabī s Proof of Faith"
Abstract: Ibn ʻArabī, also known as the great spiritual master of Islam, offers a complete and profound proof of faith for the use of believers who form the religious community, which became less and less coherent and cohesive during the succession to the Prophet. Assuming his identity of guide for the believers, as it has been revealed to him many times, he travels across the vast Islamic realm and encounters saints and Sufis, gathering their wisdom into an immense synthesis. Being blessed with divine inspiration, Ibn ʻArabī strengthens the Islamic doctrine and reinvigorates the community, as he humbly takes part to the heritage left by the Prophet.
Keywords: Islam; Religion; Tradition; Wisdom; Ibn ʻArabī.
Chicago Style:
Dragoman, Dragoș. "Mărturia de Credință la Ibn ʻArabī." Eon 2, no. 2 (December 7, 2021): 98-107.
APA Style:
Dragoman, D. (2021). Mărturia de credință la Ibn ʻArabī. Eon, 2(2), 98-107.
Educational Valences of Science-Fiction
Mircea BĂDUȚ
Eon, 2 (2), 2021, 108-111
Abstract: This paper identifies and briefly explains a series of educational valences of science fiction literature, in the perspective of self-development, and also proposes for reflection some connections and psycho-pedagogical aspects that facilitate knowledge and formation of the individual's perspective on the world.
Realitatea ficțiunii și conștiința mitului în Twin Peaks de David Lynch
Iulia-Bianca PAȘCALĂU
Eon, 2 (2), 2021, 112-130
Title: The Reality of Fiction and the Consciousness of Myth in David Lynch's Twin Peaks
Abstract: Our study aims to grasp the creative strategies involved in David Lynchʼs TV series Twin Peaks, namely the way in which reality and fiction are mingled in the same artistic frame. We briefly discuss basic concepts such as reality, fiction, and consciousness by stating their specificity and extrapolating mutual or distinctive features that the three concepts expose as core signifiers for an absurd, dreamy, and nightmarish world. As a matter of fact, Lynch partially explains his work as a permanent pursuit for creativity and emerging consciousness, by reaching deeper levels of reality and expressing their mesmerizing and ambiguous aesthetic beauty. The relationship between reality and fiction is blatantly turned into a fascinating mind game, as the filmmaker makes use of all the compelling ingredients that our postmodern society has to give in order to generate striking cinematic masterpieces: postindustrial landscapes, polluted areas, foggy railways, dark nights, depression, domestic violence, mob crime, floating glamour, mass consumption, economic crises, illnesses, space-time distortions, secret societies, drug addiction, hallucinatory/altered states of mind, strange peoples, incessive obsessions, ontological simultaneity, parallel worlds, bad spirits, and, last but not least, a sense of desolation that is utterly entailed by our postmodern condition. All these ingredients shape Lynchian worlds in unique manner of expression, tearing apart any shred of tranquility and keeping track the sings of evil in its most horrifying forms.
Keywords: reality; fiction; myth; ambiguity; dream; possible worlds.
Chicago Style:
Pașcalău, Iulia-Bianca. "Realitatea ficțiunii și conștiința mitului în Twin Peaks de David Lynch." Eon 2, no. 2 (December 7, 2021): 112-30.
APA7 Style:
Pașcalău, I. B. (2021). Realitatea ficțiunii și conștiința mitului în Twin Peaks de David Lynch. Eon, 2(2), 112-130.
Călătorie culinară: "Trei secole de gastronomie românească. De la muhalebiu și schembea la volovan și galantină" de Daniela Ulieriu și Doina Popescu
Simina PÎRVU
Eon, 2(2), 2021, 131-136
Title: Culinary journey - Three centuries of Romanian gastronomy. From muhalebiu and schembea to volovan and galantina
Abstract: Three centuries of Romanian gastronomy. From muhalebiu and schembea to volovan and galantina, by Daniela Ulieriu and Doina Popescu, appeared in 2018 at Paralela 45 Publishing House and it presents a history of gastronomy during three centuries, but also the social and cultural context of that period. It is a book for everyone, easy to read, the reader will find information about the first culinary books in our country, about the context in which they appeared, about the customs related to eating, and most importantly they will find many interesting recipes of dishes. The discussed culinary books also present some advice about how to prepare the food, how to arrange the table, it is like a manual for beginners. The book itself is like a journey in the past, through the royal courts of our ancestors, by reading it we can imagine the banquets that took place long time ago. This study also contains beautiful sketches of the places described in it.
Keywords: gastronomy; recipes; culture; food; customs.
Pîrvu, Simina. "Călătorie Culinară: "Trei secole de gastronomie românească. De la muhalebiu și schembea la volovan și galantină' De Daniela Ulieriu și Doina Popescu ." Eon 2, no. 2 (December 7, 2021): 131-36.
APA7 Style:
Pîrvu, S. (2021). Călătorie culinară: "Trei secole de gastronomie românească. De la muhalebiu și schembea la volovan și galantină" de Daniela Ulieriu și Doina Popescu . Eon, 2(2), 131-136.