Cristian Pașcalău, "Ecumenopolis" revisited: the pattern of a global city - 1
Dragoș Dragoman, Raționalitate, economie și religie orientală în sociologia lui Max Weber -17
Liliana Danciu, Despre "Nietzsche și Marea Amiază" - 30
Flavia-Domnica Crăstănuș (Trif), Un exordium asupra egalității de gen în românia comunistă -36
Gabriel Hasmațuchi, 47 de busole spirituale - 48
Petru Adrian Danciu, Moshe Idel - Principiul feminin în Cabala - 53
Maria Nițu, Cerul pământului - prin ocheanul întors al oaselor - 64

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"Ecumenopolis" revisited: the pattern of a global city
Eon, 2 (1), 2021, 1-16
Abstract: Nowadays, paradigm shifts and perception of how rapidly information and its provisional technologies expand may offer suitable bases for understanding the worldwide social consciousness that citizens from almost every country develop. On such account, this study focuses on a challenging topic, namely the idea of a planetary megacity. We revisit the concept of ECUMENOPOLIS, coined in the late ʼ70s by Greek architect and urban planner C.A. Doxiadis. In addition, we stress some sociological, anthropological, and ethical implications that such a concept opens for discussion. Moreover, we grasp the fractal dimension that ekistics imply, considering the scales and the parameters according to which human settlements are designed. The implications of Doxiadis's project of a planetary city reach far beyond topographic and architectural frameworks, expressing philosophical and semiotic issues, keeping record of the place of man in the natural environment and his transformational work over nature in settling an entire civilization.
Keywords: Doxiadis; urban planning; human settlements; ecumenopolis; ekistics; global connectivity.
Chicago Style:
Pașcalău, Cristian. "'Ecumenopolis' Revisited: the
Pattern of a Global City." Eon 2, no.
1 (2021): 1-16.
APA7 Style:
Pașcalău, C. (2021). "Ecumenopolis"
revisited: the pattern of a global city. Eon,
2(1), 1-16.
Raționalitate, economie și religie orientală în sociologia lui Max Weber
Eon, 2 (1), 2021, 17-29
Title: "Rationality, economics and Eastern religions in Max Weber's sociology"
Abstract: The willingness deployed by Max Weber to unravel the mystery of Eastern religions largely failed not because of the lack of valid knowledge or accurate information. Although those information facilities were not easy to found, Weber made a tremendous effort to put together the pieces he grasped from various sources. The partial failure comes from the methodology he uses and from the obstinate effort to rationally interpret all religious facts in India. Confident in the reading lens he developed with the protestant ethic, Weber only seeks legitimation efforts of the dominant classes wherever he discovers religious facts. By doing this, methodologically speaking, Weber is not so distant from Marx and from his former master's obsession with class exploitation. This time, all the mystical and profound meaning of Eastern religious devotion is merely explained by worldly domination purposes of those who look for power over the masses.
Chicago Style:
Dragoman, Dragoș. "Raționalitate, Economie Și Religie
Orientală În Sociologia Lui Max Weber." Eon
1, no. 1 (2021): 17-29.
APA7 Style:
Dragoman, D. (2021). Raționalitate, economie și
religie orientală în sociologia lui Max Weber. Eon, 1(1), 17-29.
Despre „Nietzsche și Marea Amiază”
Liliana DANCIU
Eon, 2 (1), 2021, 30-35
Title: "About Nietzsche and The Great South"
Abstract: Nietzsche and the
Great South, by Aura Christi, appeared in 2021 at the European Idea
Publishing House, in a new, revised edition, prefaced by Nicolae Breban and
with an afterword by Ștefan Borbely. It is a book about the anchor ideas of the great German
philosopher of the late nineteenth century and an elite of writers who embraced
his theories and illustrated them in remarkable literary works. Aura Christi is
not afraid to love and know, analyzing and interpreting complex literary works
from Romanian and universal literature, constellated around what the
poet-hermeneut calls "the great ax", respectively the
Living-Being-Ontos, in Nietzschean vision. Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Rainer Maria
Rilke, Marcel Proust, Thomas Mann, Hermann Hesse, D.H. Lawrence, Oscar Wilde,
Nicolae Breban, Robert Musil, Iris Murdoch are significant creative landmarks
in a "subjective map of the Nietzscheans" who have in common the
character-pillar-axis of writing, the hypostasis and the mask of the Living.
Keywords: philosophy; ontos; Being; Nietzsche; literature.
Chicago Style:
Danciu, Liliana. "Despre "Nietzsche Și Marea Amiază.'"
Eon 2, no. 1 (2021): 30-35.
APA7 Style:
Danciu, L. (2021). Despre "Nietzsche și Marea Amiază."
Eon, 2(1), 30-35.
Un exordium asupra egalității de gen în România comunistă
Flavia-Domnica CRĂSTĂNUȘ (TRIF)
Eon, 2 (1), 2021, 36-47
Title: "An exordium upon gender equality in communist Romania"
Abstract: This article focuses on the concept of gender equality as it was conceptualized and applied during the communist years of Romania. The resizing of the position of women in the social plan through its apparent "emancipation" served rather the interests of the party in order to achieve some objectives of recognition and propulsion of the socialist regime. Through the imposed measures, the idea of gender equality remains in the social consciousness only a myth, most women occupying a background in the patriarchal context of society. This paper maps some images of this phenomenon transposed into the literary prosaic universe signed by Adriana Bittel, prose writer of the 80s, while trying to identify the dimensions of a feminist consciousness currently crystallized in the vernacular plan.
Keywords: gender equality; communism; myth, ideology; Adriana Bittel; feminist consciousness.
47 de busole spirituale
Eon, 2 (1), 2021, 48-52
Title: "47 Spiritual Compasses"
Abstract. Nicolae Răzvan Stan offers to readers a challenging volume that contains no less than 47 reviews, chronicles and book presentations written between 2002 and 2018, all these texts illustrating, in fact, the constant interest of the researcher on Christian spirituality.
Keywords: orthodox spirituality; reading guide; theology; literature; mysticism; bioethics; culture crisis; ecumenism.
Moshe Idel - Principiul feminin în Cabala
Petru Adrian DANCIU
Eon, 2 (1), 2021, 53-63
Title: "Moshe Idel - The feminine principle in Kabbalah"
Abstract: Moshe Idel`s study is an exegesis focused on the symbols and attributes of feminine, generated by the cabalistic theurgic imaginary which has a great development beginning with the Xth century. The author uses sources insufficiently known in order to point out the importance of a profound research where not only one conclusion, but a diversity of conclusions determines that one reason, this time the feminine, is discovered in its most imaginative hypostasis. As for the erudition of the researcher, it can be easily observed through the profound analysis of the cabalist texts. This leaves no place for any challenge, at least for one century ahead.
Keywords: feminine; Kabbalah; symbols;
Cerul pământului - prin ocheanul întors al oaselor
Maria Nițu
Eon, 2(1), 2021, 64-69
Title: "The sky of the earth - through the reversed spyglass of bones"
Abstract: With the volume "Reading of bones", Dumitru Cristănuș makes, together with the other three books ("Inception of Death", "Insomniac graves" and "The orchard of night") a quartet on the theme of death, in an original vision, singular, serene, Christic, at peace with himself, `trampling down death by death`. This time, the semantic core is in the motif of bones, where the plethora of metaphors come from. The bones of the living and the bones of the dead orchestrate in a communion on the `sky of earth`, in a serene `elegy of life`, in poems - bridge between the two worlds. The poetic language is minimalist, through essentialization in a refined sterilization, marking artistic certainty and consistency in his poetic creed.
Keywords: the theme of death; motif of bones; stylistic refinement; serenity; poem - bridge;