Welcome to
EON - open access scholarly
quarterly journal
open to reflections on the transformative potential of our times through the lenses of philosophy, literature, cultural studies, theology, anthropology, arts, and communication studies.
From 2024, Eon is a quarterly and open access scholarly journal. Articles are evaluated in a double-blind peer review procedure and are scanned with a plagiarism software, in order to ensure academic integrity.
Eon is a scholarly journal committed to international standards of publishing and it is edited by an experienced team of experts in
several scholarly fields and research areas. We aim to contribute to the dissemination of relevant knowledge and to build bridges between cultures and generations of researchers.
The peer review evaluations serve to guide authors through
the submission and revision of their original articles, and all
submissions are treated with strict confidentiality.
We publish original researches in the fields of philosophy, literature, cultural studies, theology, anthropology, and communication studies. We also publish studies on history, art, and political thinking.
Eon is published quarterly on March, June, September, and December.
Starting with 2022, Eon journal is published by Eon - Association for the Promotion of Culture, Art, Education and Scientific Research.
Call for papers
Deadline: January 31, 2025
The texts must comply the general standards for scholarly publishing. All submissions must be accompanied by an abstract, 5-6 keywords, references, and a short bio-note of the author. The expected length of articles: between 4.500 and 6.000 words for full-length articles; essays will be between 3.500 and 4.000 words and reviews between 1.000 and 1.700 words.
Articles and other submissions ought to follow the citation conventions as laid out in The Chicago Manual of Style.
The articles submitted are evaluated in a double-blind peer review procedure and are automatically scanned with a plagiarism software: PlagScan
Eon publishes texts in English, Romanian, French and German, and does not charge any fees for publications.
The authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions.
Vol. 6, no. 1, will be available online from March 2025.