Eon Ahead-of-print 2023
Catholic disaster relief in China (1840-1949). Based on the case of Hunan
Eon, vol. ahead-of-print, no. ahead-of-print, 2023,
Participating and holding public
charity is a long tradition of the Catholic and a concrete embodiment of the
Catholic active participation in social care. During the period from 1840 to
1949, the political structure, social class, and economic order of Chinese
society underwent earth-shaking changes, and wars and turmoil were frequent. In
this period of social turmoil, while preaching in China, Catholicism also
adheres to religious concepts, actively practices the concept of charity, and
participates in social charity services in many ways. Missionaries, who had
come to China in modern times, had actively participated in various charitable
undertakings in China with full religious enthusiasm, especially disaster and
famine relief. At present, less attention has been paid to the research on
disaster relief undertakings carried out by Catholic missionaries in China,
especially the history of local religious disaster relief needs to be improved.
The Catholic's disaster relief in China has always played an indelible role in
disaster relief. And reflecting on and drawing on the historical experience is
of great practical significance for the current disaster resistance and relief.
Studying the disaster relief undertakings carried out by the Catholic Church in
modern Hunan could further expand the research on disaster and relief in China
and could contribute to similar research in other countries.
KEYWORDS: Catholic; missionaries; Hunan; China;
disaster relief.
How to cite:
Xingyan-HUANG, Eon, vol. ahead-of-print, no. ahead-of-print, 2023,