Contributori / Contributors:
EON, vol. 5, nr. 4 / 2024
ALEXANDRU LAZĂR is a Romanian Orthodox scholar currently pursuing a PhD at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Cluj-Napoca, under the mentorship of Professor Gabriel Viorel Gârdan. His doctoral research focuses on Christian Universalism, specifically exploring its ongoing theological relevance, with a focus on American Christianity. Lazăr has received recognition for his academic contributions, such as the Excellentia Award in 2018 and 2022 from Babeș-Bolyai University for outstanding research. He is member of the Romanian Orthodox Church, serving at the "Saints Constantine and Helen" Cathedral in Chicago, Illinois. He is actively involved in the religious and educational life of the community, particularly with youth, offering catechism lessons at events like summer camps where children learn about the Orthodox faith, prayer, and the lives of saints.
CRISTIAN PAȘCALĂU is a lecturer dr. at the Department of Romanian Language and General Linguistics, Faculty of Letters, University of Babeș-Bolyai, as well as a peer-review member at Herald Publishing House, Bucharest. He published several studies on cultural semiotics, the universes of discourse, prescriptive grammar of Romanian language, lexicology, and semantics. One of his latest work is entitled Dicționarul metaforelor rebusiste (The Crossword Puzzle Metaphors Dictionary), 2022. His academic interests include: linguistics and philosophy of language, cultural semiotics, lexicology, and semantics.
DRAGOȘ DRAGOMAN, born in 1977, is PhD in Sociology, with a thesis on social capital and democratization. He is Associate Professor with the Department of Political Science, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, where he teaches Political Anthropology and Political Sociology. His main research interests focus on the sociology of religion, Orientalism, Eastern philosophy, and the anthropological analysis of political power.
MARIUS C. CUCU graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy, with a master's degree in Interpretative theories and practices and PhD in philosophy with the thesis "Atemporality in Emil Cioran's thinking", all these degrees being granted by the Al.I Cuza University of Iaşi . Since 2007 he has been working as an assistant professor, respectively a lecturer at the Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava. He published in the last 20 years 70 papers (10 of them are books). Some published works: The eclipse of the horizon, (Junimea, Iaşi, 2003), Cioran and the exodus towards eternity, (Junimea, Iaşi, 2007), Oscillations in abstract, (Institutul European, Iaşi, 2008), The active transcendence, (Institutul European, Iaşi, 2010), Introductive references to phenomenology, (Junimea, Iaşi, 2010). He is a member of editorial boards of specialty publications, the co-editor of internationally indexed specialty publications.
OANA E. LENȚA holds a Bachelor degree in Psychology, a Master's in Social Auditing and a PhD in Moral Philosophy. She works as associate lecturer at Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava. Her publications include in the last 10 years about 50 scholarly articles as author or co-author published in academic journals or collective volumes in Romania or abroad, and a book entitled "The Moral Behavior: Jungian Interrogations". (Cluj University Press, 2020) From the approached subject matters and topics of interest we name but a few, such as the ethics, psychoanalysis, human development, behavioral sciences, artificial intelligence and mind.
CONSTANTIN STROE (b.1943), former university professor of philosophy at the Police Academy "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" (1967-1998), University of Sciences and Arts "Gh. Cristea" (1998-2003) and the Ecological University of Bucharest (2003-2015), published throughout his career over 20 books and hundreds of scientific articles in prestigious cultural or specialized magazines, such as: Revue Roumaine de Philosophie, Revista de filosofie, Cercetări filosofico-psihologice, Saeculum, Pro-Saeculum, Tomis, Forum, Contemporanul, Analele Universităţii Bucureşti, Tribuna şcolii etc. In 2010, Constantin Stroe was awarded the "Ion Petrovici" Romanian Academy Award for the work Rostiri etice în filosofia românească. Studii de istorie a reflecţiei morale româneşti [Ethical Speeches in Romanian Philosophy. Studies in the history of Romanian moral reflection].
My name is ALICE JURCOVEȚ, I am a Romanian language and literature teacher at the Art High School "Regina Maria" in Alba Iulia. I am passionate about Fantasy literature, music, painting, theater, because I believe that art is a sure means of escapism, and the authenticity of living can be verified only in front of an artistic act.
Alexandru N. LAZEA is a PhD Student at the West University of Timișoara, Romania (dir. Georgiana BADEA, PR) and at Université de Pau et de Pays de l'Adour (dir. Caroline FISCHER, PR). His thesis focuses on the semiological study of the character in the theater of interiority proposed by 20th century French playwright Jean-Luc Lagarce. He is a member of the ISTRAROM (UVT) and ALTER (UPPA) laboratories. Alexandru N. Lazea has taken part, as a speaker, in conferences or seminars: International Colloquium "Interculturalia: Symposium for Students and Young Researchers", Iași, 2021; Cincinnati Conference on Romance & Arabic Languages & Literatures 2022 & 2023; CICCRE 2022 & 2024 etc.
Gabriel HASMAȚUCHI is an associate professor at "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu and has a PhD in philosophy at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Doctoral School of Philosophy of the North University Center of Baia Mare). The researcher's fields of interest are philosophy, journalism, literature, religion, intercultural communication, and ethics. His doctoral thesis refers to the Philosophical Structures in the writings of Nichifor Crainic. His works - literary, scientific and didactic - have been published in journals and books in the country and abroad. Between 2016 and 2020, the author was editor-in-chief of Sæculum journal. Starting with 2017, Gabriel Hasmațuchi is a member of the Romanian Writers' Union - Sibiu Branch. Currently, the essayist runs Eon journal - a recently established publication.
IULIA MEDVESCHI received a PhD in the field of Political Science from the University Babeș-Bolyai - Cluj-Napoca (Doctoral School of Communication, Advertising and Public Relations) in 2023. She taught Ethics in Communication and Public Relations at the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences from Cluj-Napoca between 2019-2021. Her research interests include political communication, media studies, ethics, communication and cultural studies. She serves as a peer-reviewer for Eon (Revistă de Filosofie, Studii Literare, Culturale și Religioase) since 2024 and has published several articles on: the role of mass-media in the political image making process (public image of politicians), persuasive strategies in political speech, political language and identity building through political discourses.