Contributori / Contributors:
EON, vol. 5, nr. 3 / 2024

VALENTINA-ANDRADA MINEA is a PhD candidate at the University of Bucharest's Doctoral School of Theology and Religious Studies. She is currently a visiting scholar at Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, supported by a scholarship from Brot für die Welt. Her research interests include religious studies, Japanese anime, philosophy, communication, mind, and cultural studies. She serves as a peer-reviewer for Cogent Arts & Humanities and has published several articles on the religious aspects of anime.

PAULA-GRAȚIELA CERNAMORIȚ (MA) graduated from the Faculty of History and has a master's degree in Information Management in Contemporary Society at the Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest. She is a PhD student in Doctoral School in Communication Sciences, Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies, University of Bucharest, Romania. She worked as a History teacher for middle school students, and for the past 18 years she has been working as a librarian in the County Library "Panait Cerna" in Tulcea, Romania. She is involved in research on games, play, and gamification in Romanian public libraries.

EMILIA URSACHI (HASMAȚUCHI), born in 1980, PhD student in philology with a thesis focusing on multiculturalism under the coordination of PhD university professor Maria-Ana Tupan, at the Philology Doctoral School, "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania. Bachelor diploma in Letters at the Faculty of Letters and Arts of "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu. Her main research interest focuses on multiculturalism, postcolonial literature, globalization, and multicultural education.

TEODOR VIDAM, in his five decades of academic activity, has participated to many conferences (even at the Romanian Academy), communications and lectures at various scientific and cultural events on the moral philosophy and he has published books, articles and essays in specialized journals such as Revista de filosofie. Another dimension of Teodor Vidam's writings highlights his poetic talent. He is not among those who make noise for nothing or for something valuable, but among those who, with great discretion, let their heart be heard in the chest of time and in the reader's senses. As a philosopher of morality, Teodor Vidam takes a stand against "pocket ethics", and as a poet he carries his words to pure hearts. In 2009, the researcher has received The Prize "Ion Petrovici", offered by the Romanian Academy for the book Dimensiuni ale eticii comunicării, Cluj-Napoca: Editura Casa Cărții de Științe, 2007.

is professor at the Faculty of Letters, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center in Baia Mare. Her main concerns are the history of ancient philosophy, rhetoric, argumentation and the philosophy of human rights. She has published books in the field of philosophy and over forty articles in journals recognized in international databases. She participated in projects with national and international funding as activity coordinator, tutor and member of research teams. She participated in international conferences and congresses both national and international. She is member of the Romanian Philosophical Society and member of L'Association Roumaine de Philosophie de Langue Française.