Contributori / Contributors:
Eon, vol. 3, nr. 1 / 2022
VIORELLA MANOLACHE, scientific researcher III, Ph.D., "Ion I. C. Brătianu" Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania. Author of numerous articles, studies, coordinator of international collective volumes - the most recent being: Philosophical-Political Hecate-isms. The Rule of Three, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016; Ecce Philosophia Politica. "Diferenţa" lui Roberto Esposito - Ecce Philosophia Politica. Roberto Esposito`s "Difference", ISPRI Publishing House, Bucharest, 2016; with Ian Browne, Orwell - Intelectualul anti-intelectual - Orwell, the anti-intellectual intellectual, ISPRI Publishing House, Bucharest, 2017 and Political Philosophy in Motion.*mkv, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017; (eds. with Dan Dungaciu) 100 Years since the Great Union of Romania, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019.
CRISTIAN PAȘCALĂU is an university assistant at the Department of Romanian Language
and General Linguistics, Faculty of Letters, University of Babeș-Bolyai, as well as a peerreview member at Herald Publishing House, Bucharest. He published several studies on
cultural semiotics and the universes of discourse. He translated into Romanian J.G.
Martínez del Castilloʼs book La lingüística del decir: el logos semántico y el logos
apofántico (Lingvistica rostirii: logosul semantic și logosul apofantic, Argonaut &
Scriptor, 2011). His academic interests include: linguistics and philosophy of language,
cultural semiotics, lexicology, and semantics.
TILL KINZEL (born in 1968) received his Dr. phil. (2002) and Habilitation (2005) from the Technical University of
Berlin. He has published books on Allan Bloom (Platonische Kulturkritik in Amerika; 2002), Nicolás Gómez
Dávila (4th ed. 2015), Philip Roth (Die Tragödie und Komödie des amerikanischen Lebens, 2006) and Michael
Oakeshott (2007). He has co-edited volumes on imaginary dialogues in English and American Literature and
Philosophy (2012, 2014) and audionarratology (2016), as well as books on Edward Gibbon in Germany
(2015) and a number of important representatives of the enlightenment in Germany such as Johann Joachim
Eschenburg (2013). His most recent book is Johann Georg Hamann. Zu Leben und Werk (2019).
DRAGOȘ DRAGOMAN, born in 1977, is PhD in Sociology, with a thesis on social capital and
democratization. He is Associate Professor with the Department of Political Science,
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, where he teaches Political Anthropology and Political
Sociology. His main research interests focus on the sociology of religion, Orientalism,
Eastern philosophy, and the anthropological analysis of political power.
The writer and researcher ANCA SÎRGHIE (born in Brașov, February 9th, 1944) is a graduate of the Faculty of
Philology at the "Babeș-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca. In 1981, she obtained the PhD in Philology, with
the thesis entitled Radu Stanca - a monographic study. So far, Anca Sîrghie has published over 30 books
and more than 500 articles.
Mircea BĂDUȚ is a graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Craiova. He wrote eleven computer science books. He has written over four hundred technical-scientific articles for magazines in Romania and in Europe. • Short prose and essays published in various periodicals and publications. • He wrote five prose books (fictions and essays).